
What type of scheduling program do you employ?


Our planning process develops a calendar schedule that all subs and suppliers have agreed to prior to schedule confirmation. This makes it easy to follow so you will know what to expect each day.

  • Finish the project on time – on the job site every day
  • On budget - The design build proposals are as accurate as is possible.
  • Clean job site
  • We stand behind our work – This gives you peace of mind!


How often will you complete a walkthrough with me during the project?


We welcome you to visit daily and will address your questions as often as you need.  We will have a project “mail box” that you can write a question or comment if no one is around after hours.  It’s the first place we go each morning and we will respond to it every day.


Who will be supervising my project on a day-to-day basis?


There will be a project superintendent /lead man plus a daily (Mon – Fri) visit by the owner to assure project quality and schedule adherence. There will be a set by-weekly meeting with the client, lead man and owner or your sales person.


What type of proof of insurance and bonding will you provide?


Bond is shown on AZROC link  http://www.azroc.gov/forms/details.asp?license=241429


Do you carry liability and workman’s comp insurance?


Yes, we comply with AZ law on Workman’s compensation and require all of our subcontractors to provide WC and liability certificates of insurance before work begins. Liability insurance limit requirements minimum $1 million to $500,000 over assessors property evaluation.


Do you have a license in Arizona, within the proper classification, to complete the type of project we are considering?


Yes, AZ ROC license link http://www.azroc.gov/forms/details.asp?license=241429